meetingSustantivo, singular o masivo
ofPreposición / Conjunción subordinante
personalitySustantivo (plural)
beVerbo: Tercera persona presente singular
likePreposición / Conjunción subordinante
contactSustantivo, singular o masivo
ofPreposición / Conjunción subordinante
chemicalSustantivo, singular o masivo
substanceSustantivo (plural)
ifPreposición / Conjunción subordinante
thereThere existencial (Pronombre)
beVerbo: Tercera persona presente singular
reactionSustantivo, singular o masivo
transformVerbo: Participio pasado
meeting sustantivo |
personality sustantivo |
be verbo |
Pronombre | Conjugación |
I | I am |
You | You are |
He/She/It | He/She/It is |
We | We are |
You | You are |
They | They are |
contact sustantivo |
chemical sustantivo |
substance sustantivo |
be verbo |
Pronombre | Conjugación |
I | I am |
You | You are |
He/She/It | He/She/It is |
We | We are |
You | You are |
They | They are |
reaction sustantivo |
be verbo |
Pronombre | Conjugación |
I | I am |
You | You are |
He/She/It | He/She/It is |
We | We are |
You | You are |
They | They are |
transform verbo |